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Selective protein turnover is important for the survival of all organisms. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and related bacteria rely on processive protein degradation pathways in order to survive adverse conditions encountered in their environment or inside the infected host. We investigate large, compartmentalizing degradation complexes and their substrate recruitment mechanisms, including the mycobacterial proteasome and a ubiquitin-like, post-translational protein modification termed pupylation that recruits substrates for proteasomal degradation.



» Charlotte's paper on the activation of PafBC by ssDNA is out, you can find it external page here!

» Our new PhD student Kasia joined the group, welcome!

» Lena's and Kim's paper on a novel WYL domain-containing transcriptional regulator is out, you can find it external page here

» Kim was awarded an ETH medal for her master thesis, congratulations!

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